361 parents who completed a parent view survey in December. The results were incredibly positive and the staff would like to thank you for the confidence you have in us. The outcomes were as follows: [table id=24 /]]]>
361 parents who completed a parent view survey in December. The results were incredibly positive and the staff would like to thank you for the confidence you have in us. The outcomes were as follows: [table id=24 /]]]>
General: Mrs Lynn Carter (School Office)
Headteacher: Mrs Emma Brown
SENCo: Mrs Alice Burnage and Mrs Georgina Pickford
GDPR Officer: Miss Michelle Rankin
North Lancing Primary School, Mill Road, Lancing, West Sussex, BN15 0PT
Telephone: 01903 752301
Email: office@northlancing.co.uk
Website: A paper copy of any information contained in this website may be requested free of charge.