North Lancing Primary School

North Lancing Primary School was inspected by OFSTED 8th-9th May 2024.

The inspection report describes North Lancing Primary School as ‘a warm and welcoming place’ where ‘pupils feel safe and happy.’  The reports notes that pupils are, ‘well cared for by nurturing staff’ and ‘high expectations are set for what pupils will learn.’

The inspection team noted that pupils at North Lancing Primary are, ‘keen to learn and achieve well.’ At its heart, North Lancing Primary Schoolhas five core values: resilience, independence, perseverance, collaboration and individuality.  The inspection team acknowledged that, ‘school values permeate daily life’ and  ‘pupils strive to be independent and resilient, working hard in lessons.’

North Lancing provides a wonderful start to education.  For pupils beginning their school career, the early years setting was described by the inspection team as, ‘an inspiring and engaging place’ where ‘children show high levels of interest and curiosity.’

The school were delighted that pupils were rightly recognised to be, ‘polite and courteous’ and that they are, ‘attentive in class and motivated to do their best.’ Pupils’ conduct at breaktime was said to, ‘reflect the school’s friendly culture.’

Particular recognition was given to the way the school develops pupils as individuals, encouraging every child to be the best they can be.  The report noted, ‘the way the school develops pupils’ character is impressive. The school value of ‘individuality’ is routinely reinforced.’

In keeping with developing the whole child, the curriculum was noted to be, ‘broad, enriched with visits and other interesting experiences.’ The varied opportunities beyond academics were also highlighted, with the report stating that, ‘the varied and exciting extra-curricular programme provides pupils with numerous clubs to foster sporting, academic and creative interests.’

Next steps: ‘the school should continue to develop staff’s expertise in order to deliver the phonics scheme consistently and effectively.‘ In addition, ‘the school needs to continue their work to embed new assessment processes to help pupils learn consistently well across all subjects.’

The team at North Lancing are delighted that the report reflects the warm, inclusive and safe environment they have strived so hard to develop.  North Lancing Primary School is a truly fantastic place for children to start to their educational journey.

Read our Ofsted Report

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