Reading Scheme
Our main aim is to give the children the reading skills to be able to read independently and for enjoyment. Children in Reception to Year 2 have daily phonics and reading sessions using the Read, Write Inc scheme. Texts match the phonics they are learning.
Pupils take home Read, Write Inc book bag books. These match the phonics they are learning at school. In addition, pupils are offered a range of supplementary texts to take home to broaden their reading. These include titles for Oxford Reading Tree, Rigby Rockets and Collins Big Cat.
Pupils who struggle with reading are supported through interventions such as FFT and Reading Eggs schemes. We also offer the Dyslexia friendly ‘Nessy’ reading programme daily for pupils with dyslexia tendencies.
In Years 3 to Year 6, North Lancing use ‘Accelerated Reader’ to help students to select appropriate reading materials, assess progress and identify areas of reading to improve. As school, pupils have read over 150 millions words a year for the past three years! AR bookfinder is an excellent resource when selecting texts: http://arbookfinder.co.uk
The most important factor, however, in children’s progress in reading is the support of parents and carers so please encourage your child to read daily at home. Together we can make a difference.