North Lancing Uniform
A school uniform dress code is implemented at North Lancing as it is felt that wearing matching clothing helps students feel connected to their group of peers and a part of the school community. The number of school branded items has been reduced to decrease cost. Uniform adaptions can be made for pupils with sensory needs. These can be discussed with the reception office or SEND team.
Early Years (Reception) Uniform
- School logo navy sweatshirt*
- School logo navy jogging bottoms* (elastic bottoms to prevent getting wet on the ground)
- White polo shirt
- Grey/black/white socks
- Black school shoes
- Waterproof trousers and jacket (or all in one) and Wellie boots
Winter Uniform
- School v-neck jumper or cardigan*
- Navy blue pinafore dress or
- Navy blue skirt – pleated, plain or flared (sensible length) or
- Charcoal tailored trousers
- White shirt (not polo shirt)
- School tie*
- Black/grey/white socks or navy tights
- Plain black shoes with low heels (No boots)
Summer Uniform
- School v-neck jumper or cardigan*
- Navy blue/white checked summer dress (no stripes) or
- Navy skirt (see winter) or
- Charcoal grey tailored shorts/trousers
- White short sleeved open necked shirt or polo shirt
- Black/grey/white socks
- Plain black shoes with low heels (No boots)
PE/Games Kit (Year 1 – 6)
- Navy school logo t-shirt*
- Navy school logo shorts* (or plain navy unbranded shorts)
- Navy school logo hoodie* or
- Navy school logo sweatshirt*
- Navy school logo jogging bottoms* (or plain navy unbranded)
- Trainers (Velcro fastening until laces can be done independently)
- No jewellery can be worn for PE/Games
Swimming Kit
- A sun-protection suit or
- A costume/swim shorts (no bikins)
- Flip Flops/Crocs
- White hat (with first name in large letters on each side)
- Towel or poncho towel
- Earrings must be removed for swimming
Additional Items
School logo book bags and PE bags are available. These can be bought from First4Uniform. School logo water bottles are available from the school office. In addition, school logo beanie hats, jackets and bags are optional extras.
Hair/Make up
There should be no make-up, nail varnish, temporary tattoos or hair colours. Hair accessories should be in school uniform colours. Long hair must be tied back. No extreme hair styles. All make-up and nail varnish should be removed for school.
In the interests of safety only stud earrings and a small watch may be worn.
Children not complying can expect
- To be given spare uniform to change into immediately
- To have a letter sent home
- To have items confiscated for the day
- To be asked to remove nail varnish and make up
The Senior leadership team will meet with parents where children are consistently not in the correct uniform.
Where to buy
Pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium funding can have up to three school branded items a year free of charge. The PTA also run a pre-loved uniform shop to help make uniform affordable for all. Items followed by a (*) are school branded uniform items and should be bought from First4Uniform or the pre-loved shop. Any items without a (*) are generic and can be purchased anywhere. If you would like help with uniform – please contact the school office.
All branded uniform is available for purchase from First4Uniform in Lancing town centre. Orders can also be made online.