North Lancing Primary School

Benefits of joining a club

North Lancing Primary School offer a large range of different clubs. There are huge befits to taking part in extra curricular activities. These include:

  • Finding new interests
  • Building self-esteem
  • Increasing social opportunities
  • Making new friends
  • Improving communication skills
  • Providing physical and mental health benefits

Wrap Around Care

At North Lancing a breakfast club runs from 7.45am until the start of the school day. This is a chargeable club run by an external company. The breakfast club can be contacted at:

There is also an after school provision, ‘Stay and Play’. This starts straight from school and finishes at 5pm. Again, this is a chargeable club. It is run by school staff. Enquires about ‘Stay and Play’ should be sent to

Club Choice

Most staff at North Lancing run a school club. In addition, external providers offer additional opportunities for pupils to find an activity they would enjoy. School run clubs have a small charge (£5 a term) but are free for any pupils eligible for pupil premium. Clubs can include the following, but do change every term so please see the up-to-date clubs list sent out at the beginning of each term:

  • Art
  • Cheer Leading*
  • Chess
  • Crafts
  • Drop in and Doodle
  • Fitness
  • Football
  • Gardening
  • Girl’s Football
  • Gymnastics*
  • Karate*
  • Lego
  • Multi Sports*
  • Netball
  • Rambling
  • Reading
  • Sewing
  • Street Dance*
  • Yoga

* These clubs are run by outside providers