Hot School Meals
A hot meals service is offered at school run by Chartwells. The current meal price is £2.97. Pupils in Reception to Year 2 are eligible for free meals. Alternatively children may bring their own packed lunch.
How to order: Log on at www.parentpay.com to choose and book your meals. Orders need to be placed by midnight Thursday, ten days ahead of the week required. For example, meals for the week starting Monday 12th would have an order deadline of Thursday 1st.
You will have received an activation letter and temporary password to set up your ParentPay account. If you need this resent, please contact your school office.
For children with food intolerances and allergies, Chartwells have a dedicated team of medical diet nutritionists on hand to support allergen aware children and their parents. More information on their medical diet process can be found here: The Chartwells Approach to Medical Diets | Chartwells
Parents and guardians can contact the medical diet nutrition team directly on: westsussexspecialdiets@compass-group.co.uk.
To find out more about Chartwells, visit their website or contact the school catering team. Weblink: Primary School Caterers You Can Trust | Chartwells
Free lunches can be supplied to children whose parents are in receipt of Income Support, Income Based Job Seeker’s Allowance, support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, Pension Credit, Income related Employment and Support Allowance or Child Tax Credit with assessed income below £16,190, but the necessary authorisation (with proof of receipt of benefit) has to be obtained, please ask at the reception office for details. (This information is confidential).
The number of children registered for free meals increases funding and we would very much appreciate parents registering their entitlement to free lunches even if they do not wish their child to receive a meal. For further details, please contact the school office.
Playtime snacks
Children may bring a healthy snack to school and we allow fruit or vegetables only.
Children in Reception to Year 2 are provided with a free healthy snack each day.
We do encourage pupils to drink water regularly throughout the day and the school sells non-spill bottles that may be used in class.
Milk is available to order at www.coolmilk.com.